On Tuesday, the 16th of February, I was interviewed on the Late Debate on RTÉ Radio 1 alongside Jim O’Callaghan of Fianna Fáil, Naoise O’Muirí of Fine Gael and Eamon Ryan of the Green Party Dublin.
We discussed the latest poll results and got to talk more about my vision of a direct, digital democracy. Unsurprisingly, the main parties were dead set against it, arguing that it was not a TDs job to implement the will of the people but instead to decide on their behalf (have a listen to my response in the interview and find out why even RTÉ’s John Murray couldn’t suppress a chuckle :-)).
In fairness to the Green Party, Eamon Ryan was very open to allowing more direct democracy and emphasized both my and his support for Reinstate the 48 and the 1Yi initiative, both of which are calling for citizen-initiated referenda.
You can listen to the interview here (the fun starts around minute 33)